
The dissolution of marriage seems like a daunting process, but it takes place in Florida every day. And every day, competent family lawyers negotiate spousal support during separation in Florida. Some negotiations are amicable, resulting in a swift settlement, little or no court time, and lower legal fees. Others are protracted, incurring large bills and extended time in court. Most fall somewhere in between. But whatever your needs are, the more you know going into the process, the more likely you will be able to make wise decisions that will best serve you financially.


Here’s What to Know About Spousal Support During Separation in Florida

Family lawyers often meet people with a common problem: they’d like to try to live separately before filing for divorce, but they don’t know whether they could support themselves.

While the State of Florida does not recognize separation as a legal status, it holds that spouses should support one another financially, even if they are separated but still married. A court may order a paying spouse to provide support while acknowledging the possibility of reconciliation. A qualified family lawyer can assist in securing this type of spousal support.


Facts About Alimony During and After a Divorce in Florida

When discussing spousal support in Florida, let us first define our terms. To understand spousal support in Florida, you must first understand the court’s rationale in awarding it to one partner over another.

In the court’s view, a marriage is a legal partnership of two equal spouses. These spouses build a life and establish a certain standard of living during their relationship. When this marriage ends, it is the responsibility of the spouse with higher earning power to help the other spouse maintain this standard of living through spousal support payments. Otherwise, this insolvent partner might turn to the government for assistance, creating an untenable social system in which marital breakdown could weaken the economic system.

In Florida, courts can award any of the following five types of spousal support during a divorce:

  • Temporary Support: A judge might award temporary support, also called pendent lite, to one spouse during the divorce proceedings to cover short-term needs. This support expires at the end of the settlement.
  • Bridge-the-gap Support: This type of spousal support is temporary and aims to aid one spouse as they adapt to life as a successful single person.
  • Rehabilitative: Rehabilitative is also a temporary form of spousal support, but its goals are to provide time for one partner to find additional education or training necessary for employment.
  • Durational: This type of support lasts as long as the marriage lasted. If a judge grants durational support for a partner at the end of a 7-year marriage, the other partner knows there will be a 7-year limit to the support they have to pay.
  • Permanent Spousal Support: Courts grant permanent support only to spouses who have been together for a considerable time. This type of support lasts until the death or remarriage of another partner.


Contact Us Today

At WhitbeckBeglis, our qualified attorneys have been helping couples settle their spousal support disputes for years. Contact WhitbeckBeglis by calling 800-516-3964 or emailing clientservices@wblaws.com to connect with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process.