Latest Blogs
Jan 13, 2023
Virginia Child Support Obligations: Issues Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic
By: Michael Lehr, Esq. In Virginia, child support payments are determined in large part upon a mathematical formula. This formula, known as the “guidelines,” determines the child support payment...
Jan 13, 2023
Filing for Divorce During COVID-19
By: Michael Lehr Like much of the rest of the country, Virginia remains locked down to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Ralph Northam’s “stay at home order,” issued on March 24, 2020, remains...
Jan 13, 2023
Changes in Virginia Domestic Relations Law
By John Whitbeck The Virginia General Assembly enacted several changes to the law that have a significant impact on families going through domestic relations cases. Below is are some highlights of...
Feb 28, 2023
COVID-19: The CARES Act’s Effect on Education for Students with Disabilities
By Michael Lehr Chances are your child’s school is closed for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. As of April 24, 2020, 43 states had issued orders, either encouraging or requiring public school...
Feb 27, 2023
Pros and Cons of Filing for a Fault Divorce in Virginia
In the state of Virginia, you have the ability to file for a divorce based on fault-based grounds, which include causes like domestic violence (cruelty), desertion, adultery, and/or a felony...
Feb 27, 2023
Who Gets the Engagement Ring in a Virginia Break Up?
If you asked who gets to keep the engagement ring in a break up a few years ago, the answer might have been more complicated. In 2016, the Supreme Court of Virginia clarified this matter in the case...
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