Today marks the official launch of WhitbeckBeglis, a family law firm based in Virginia founded by John Whitbeck, a local attorney of nearly 20 years’ experience and a thought leader whose expertise lies in family law, special education law, and mental health law.
WhitbeckBeglis’s is launching with the opening of three offices across Virginia – in Leesburg, Tysons Corner and Richmond. WhitbeckBeglis also has its sights set on future openings nationally.
“Starting WhitbeckBeglis with a focus on family law, mental health and special education allows me to expand my nearly 20 years’ experience state-wide and eventually nationally, dedicated to helping families and individuals in crisis,” Whitbeck explains. “There is no time than right now to do this in the midst of the worst healthcare crisis of our time, with domestic violence on the rise and mental health strategies more important than ever.”
Whitbeck’s expertise is unique in comparison to most family law lawyers as he has extensive knowledge and experience with mental health law. Whitbeck held the position of the former Director of the George Mason University Law and Mental Illness Clinic. The Clinic provided pro bono legal representation to the families of mentally ill individuals seeking to have their loved ones committed to psychiatric treatment. Whitbeck also served as a Special Justice for civil commitment hearings in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, which required him to sit as a “judge” for hearings to commit mentally ill individuals to psychiatric treatment.
Whitbeck found his specialty when his own family faced their own crisis many years ago. “Our lawyer was our biggest support during the hardest time in my life,” said Whitbeck. “I knew then that’s what I wanted to do with my life. It’s a big reason why I developed a practice in mental health law and special education to compliment my family law practice.”
With today’s launch, WhitbeckBeglis is looking forward to being able to help struggling families with strong legal advice and acting as their advocate when they need it most.