This article will explain your rights as a caregiver providing informal kinship care. Kinship care refers to the care of children by relatives or, in some jurisdictions, close family friends. Relatives are the preferred resource for children who must be removed from...
Child Custody
What are the Rights of a Wife in Divorce? | Part 4
This article is the fourth in a multi-part series on women’s rights in divorce cases. While divorce laws are supposed to apply equally to both spouses, there are issues unique to women in divorce worth considering. It’s essential to have a competent attorney who...
How do I get emergency custody of my child in Delaware?
If you feel that your child is at risk of immediate and irreparable harm, Delaware Family Court can grant emergency custody to a parent under emergency circumstances by filing a Motion and Affidavit for Emergency Ex Parte (without notice to the other party) Order or a...
Why Should I Hire A Guardian Ad Litem?
Going through a contested divorce or custody dispute leaves many people struggling to pay the bills while keeping an attorney retained. If the Court decides to appoint a Guardian ad Litem to your case, it can add extra stress. Here’s what to know about a Guardian ad...
What Is Joint Custody?
There are two types of custody, legal and physical. Legal custody is about who makes decisions for a child. Physical custody is what determines each parent’s time with the child. When parents have joint legal custody, it means they have equal say over major decisions...
How Is Joint Custody Implemented and Interpreted in Oklahoma?
Ms. Godfrey has been practicing law for 13 years. Prior to joining WhitbeckBeglis, she founded her own private practice in 2016 in Oklahoma City. She focuses on family law, which includes divorce, child support, custody modifications, Guardian ad Litem, adoption, and...
How Does Family Court Work from Beginning to End?
In Virginia, there are two types of courts that handle family law cases, the circuit court and the juvenile and domestic relations district court (JDR). Circuit courts can handle all types of family cases but primarily hear divorce cases. JDR courts hear custody and...
The Rule to Show Cause: A Helpful Order Enforcement Tool in Virginia
The Rule to Show Cause: A Helpful Order Enforcement Tool in Virginia [06.28.2022] Jail time, fines, an order to take a certain action, or an award of attorney’s fees and costs. These are potential consequences of failing to follow a court order. When a...
Addressing Parental Alienation Issues Early Can Provide Lasting Protection to Children
Addressing Parental Alienation Issues Early Can Provide Lasting Protection to Children [06.24.2022] What is parental alienation? Parental alienation is when one parent attempts to turn one or more children against the other parent in one or more ways. ...
Parenting Time
Parenting Time [03.29.2022] The most painful and challenging aspect of separating from your significant other when children are involved is considering the impact on the children and determining how to make the best of a new situation. Often during the...