WhitbeckBeglis Managing Partner, John Whitbeck, further discusses the situation of his client who filed suit against LCPS administrators back in June. Fired Loudoun County superintendent is accused of retaliating against a teacher By Nick Minock | December 14,...
Special Education Law
Partner, John Whitbeck, responds to LCPS Grand Jury Indictments
Following the revelations revealed by the Grand Jury looking into the handling of sexual assaults in Loudoun County Public Schools, WhitbeckBeglis Managing Partner, John Whitbeck, provided his thoughts on this situation as it relates to his client’s suit filed back...
Moving Forward – School Lawsuit Filed in July Will Continue
"All parents should be assured of their children's physical and mental well-being when sending them to school, regardless if it is a public or private setting. When school officials behave in such an outrageous way, the attorneys at WhitbeckBeglis will not back...
Special Education in the Classroom
By: John Whitbeck According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 7.1 million students between the ages of three and twenty-one received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 2018/19. Under federal law,...
Partner, Elizabeth Lancaster, featured in Loudoun Times-Mirror Article
"As parents, we have to trust that when we send our children to school they will be safe. When that trust is so badly broken, there must be consequences.” WhitbeckBeglis Partner, Elizabeth Lancaster Former principal accused in lawsuit of causing...
Arm Yourself with Knowledge (Podcast Transcript)
Transcript of Episode 15 of The Mind Itself podcast: Arm Yourself with Knowledge [05.31.2022] John Whitbeck: The Mind Itself is a podcast about mental health, mental health law, and how they affect all aspects of our daily lives. By taking a deeper dive into how our...
Represented by WhitbeckBeglis, Parents Prevail in Freedom of Information Act Case Against Loudoun County Schools
PARENTS PREVAIL IN FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT CASE AGAINST LOUDOUN SCHOOLS WhitbeckBeglis Attorney Kevin McCandlish and Joshua Hetzler of the Founding Freedoms Law Center represent Plantiffs. LEESBURG, VA, – MAY 2, 2022 –A Loudoun County Circuit Court...
“Whitbeck: Special Ed During a Pandemic” featured on LoudounNow
By John Whitbeck While we all recognize public school districts are struggling to deliver instruction to children during the pandemic, that doesn’t change the fact that the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) mandates that school...
What does “Back to School” mean for Special Education Students during the COVID-19 pandemic?
What does "Back to School" mean for Special Education Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic? By: Laila Latif [Update 7.22.2020] Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) and Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) have just decided on a 100% virtual start to the school year....
COVID-19: The CARES Act’s Effect on Education for Students with Disabilities
By Michael Lehr Chances are your child’s school is closed for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. As of April 24, 2020, 43 states had issued orders, either encouraging or requiring public school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These public school...