By: Michael Lehr, Esq. In Virginia, child support payments are determined in large part upon a mathematical formula. This formula, known as the “guidelines,” determines the child support payment using the gross income of both parents, the number of children in the...
Filing for Divorce During COVID-19
By: Michael Lehr Like much of the rest of the country, Virginia remains locked down to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Ralph Northam’s “stay at home order,” issued on March 24, 2020, remains in effect through June 10, 2020, and instructs all Virginia citizens...
COVID-19: The CARES Act’s Effect on Education for Students with Disabilities
By Michael Lehr Chances are your child’s school is closed for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. As of April 24, 2020, 43 states had issued orders, either encouraging or requiring public school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These public school...
Virginia Child Custody & Visitation: Emergency Orders Reshaping Custody Agreements
By: Michael Lehr The number one goal of any resident of Virginia during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is ensuring that you and your family is safe and healthy. This is especially true for the vulnerable members of our society such as the immunocompromised, the...
Virginia Child Custody & Visitation: Issues Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
By: Michael Lehr The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has changed our society including how we interact with other people and our own families. Virginia is not immune to the virus’ impact and many facets of our communities have been similarly affected. On March...
19 Tips for Families During the COVID-19 Crisis
For families in crisis, the ongoing pandemic just makes things worse. Here are 19 tips for your family during the COVID-19 crisis to help you through. Tip No. 1: If you are negotiating a payment for spousal support or child support, make sure you think about using...
WhitbeckBeglis Virtual Consultation Room
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to evolve and present uncertainty for many of our clients on a daily basis. WhitbeckBeglis values the health, safety and well-being of our clients, contacts, staff and colleagues as they are foremost in our minds as we...
The Impact of CoronaVirus on your Family Law Case
Every family in Virginia is grappling with the impact of CoronaVirus/COVID-19. But what about your family law case? Whether you are currently litigating or already have a court order covering your family situation, you should educate yourself on how the pandemic...