A Student’s Perspective: Education During A Pandemic
By: Vincent Picciolo
[08.18.2020] As a student, I’m sure I am not the only one who has asked themselves how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect my education. Since COVID-19 and the subsequent quarantine, schools had to scramble to find a way to finish the school year virtually. Loudoun County Schools did not require students to finish the remaining school year. Instead, they gave each student some options regarding how they wanted to finish their classes. Ultimately, this ended up making the entire fourth quarter optional for all students. Many students decided to end their school year early. It was clear the school system needed to come up with a definitive solution for the next school year.
Loudoun County has decided to start the year “100% Distance Learning”. Four out of five days of the week will be learning with teachers. One day will be for students to either independently work or work together. In my opinion, this has both pros and cons. One pro is that this method allows students to continue communication with their teachers and their peers. Another pro might be that students are still required to follow a school-like schedule. They will have to show up to their online class at specific times, just like they would show up to real class. A con could be that learning remotely on any subject can be very challenging. I know for me that I will be struggling to learn Calculus over a video-call. Another con is many students don’t have access to a computer, or steady internet connection. Most schools don’t have the budget to give their students computers. This will cause students to fall behind in their education.
This fall, I will be starting my senior year of high school. However, I don’t feel like one, since COVID ended my junior year abruptly. I didn’t feel like I completed my junior year and feel somewhat unprepared for my senior year. As much as this sucks, in a way, it is probably good for me. This will help prepare me for college, teach me how to be more independent, and learn how to take on much more responsibility.
Since it appears that COVID won’t clear up before school starts, I think we all have to make the best of a bad situation.
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